Jeb Bush raises $500,000 in Chris Christie's back yard
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Former Florida governor and Republican 2016 candidate Jeb Bush ventured into enemy territory on Thursday evening, pulling in a total of $500,000 at a pair of fundraisers held in New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s home state, according to a source familiar with the planning for the events.

Bush held his first fundraiser at the Navesink Country Club in Middletown. The event was hosted by New York Jets owner Woody Johnson, attorney Larry Bathgate, and state Sen. Joe Kyrillos — influential figures who helped to fuel Christie’s rise but have now deserted him.

The second event of the evening, which was held at the Short Hills home of investment banker Bill Cohen, was hosted by investor David Tepper.

For Bush, who was making his first fundraising stop in New Jersey, the events were the culmination of months of planning. The former Florida governor has waged a quiet but concerted campaign to siphon off Christie’s home-state supporters in hopes of further weakening the already embattled New Jersey governor.

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