Woman’s Obituary Says The 2016 Presidential Election Killed Her
07/22/2016   By Alana Horowitz Satlin | The Huffington Post
Jim Urquhart / Reuters

The 2016 election has become so unbearable that one woman’s obituary says it killed her.

Elene Meyer Davis died last month. The cause of death, according to her obituary in the Houston Chronicle, was “complications due to congestive heart failure and the 2016 Presidential campaign.”

A descendent of a Civil War veteran, Davis was passionate about her Southern heritage. She was an avid gardener and deeply philanthropic, supporting Cuban exiles who came to live in her Oklahoma town. 

The obituary doesn’t mention whether Davis identified more with Democrats or Republicans.

It’s been an agonizing year for both parties. The latest trying moment of election season came Thursday night, when Donald Trump delivered an hour-long acceptance speech that involved yelling at everyone and painting the U.S. as a deteriorating hellscape.

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