这种政策分化亚裔,各个击破,显然对我们很不利啊!! |
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(@Wennan) 加州“亚裔细分法案”AB-1726由奥克兰(Oakland)选区的菲律宾裔的民主党众议员鲍伯‧邦塔(Bob Bonta)提出,由3位来自旧金山湾区的华裔民主党众议员邱信福(David Chiu)、丁右立(Phil Ting)和罗达伦(Evan Low),以及非裔民主党众议员Shirley N. Weber和拉丁裔民主党众议员Das Williams共同联署。
(@加州义工) 【这场战斗 你别无选择 唯有参加】
(@Sam Huang) SCA 5 和AB1726 是新型的排華/亞法案. 藉著平等的外衣, 行種族岐視之實。
(@Lucy) 一个白人共和党对辱华的亚裔细分法案评价:I can't even believe I'm reading this (see link, below)! This is un-American, bureaucratic, and perhaps racist, nonsense. "(1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai." says the bill. Let me tell you, when I get my census form, I don't even identify that I'm "white!" The government has no business making lists and should keep as little information as possible on folks. Further, the real intent is to deny high-achieving Asians college admission by breaking the quotas in to groups. The Asian community is right to be outraged. Progressives just don't understand that the only criteria for most things should be merit。
(@Sam) The California legislature has a larger number of Asian representatives … in the Republican caucus. Assembly members David Hadley (R-Torrance) and Catharine Baker (R-Dublin) specifically reached out to Asian-American communities, assuring them that merit—not race—would determine enrollment in college campuses. Their success politically has protected the academic achievement of all Californians, particularly Asian-Americans.
(@平淡之乐) |
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