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Tag: SB690 AA
OP 07/15/2017



SFFA(Students for Fair Admissions, Inc.)在Blum领导下,一直坚韧不拔地在起诉哈佛等大学歧视性入学政策。去年就把这个案子打到了最高法院。


Dear Member,
The ideas that unite us in Students for Fair Admissions are that state educational universities should not discriminate based on race, and that they should be transparent and accountable in admissions practices.  The state legislature is currently considering a bill which threatens these principles as nothing has since SB5 in 2014.  The new bill, SB690, would allow the State Bar to permanently keep secret its unique database on law school students and performance on the State Bar.  The Supreme Court, in its unanimous 2013 decision in Sander v. State Bar, held that these records should be made public in a form that protects individual privacy.  SB690 would reverse this decision, and would allow public law schools throughout California to hide their admissions practices and the consequences of those practices.

公平入学组织的理念是大学教育不应以种族来区别对待学生,入学政策应该是透明和负责的。而现在加州立法委员会正在考虑一个新的提案,这是自从2014年SB5之后,最有可能严重危害这一原则的法案。新法案SB690允许州律师协会永久性地把法学院学生的数据和成绩隐藏起来。2013年,最高法院在Sander 对州律师协会的判决中,要求在保护个人隐私的前提下公布这些数据。SB690公然违背了这项裁决,让加州公立大学法学院隐藏他们的入学标准,以及因此造成的后果。
Please write to these state officials to express opposition to SB690.  Some sample language is suggested below.  Emails are fine.  Comments will be particularly helpful if received by July 17h. Thank you for your help!

(1)Allison Merrilees, Assembly Judiciary Committee counsel: Alison.Merrilees@asm.ca.gov
(2) Leora Gershenzon, Assembly Judiciary Committee counsel: Leora.Gershenzon@asm.ca.gov
(3) Mark Stone, Assembly Judiciary Committee chair:
(4) Jordan Cunningham, Assembly Judiciary Committee vice-chair:
(5) Ed Chau:
(6) David Chiu:
Sample message:
I am writing to oppose SB690 in its current form.  This bill harms government transparency and would, in effect, reverse the Supreme Court’s important  pro-transparency decision in Sander v. State Bar.  The bill should be modified to prohibit make it clear that non-identifying information in the Bar’s database can be and should be available to the public and to independent researchers.

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