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By aace  
OP 11/30/2016


亚裔教育联盟了解到当选总统川普开始在征求选民的想法和治国建议。川普总统的新网站是 ( http://www.greatagain.gov ) 大家进入后打开share your ideas, 就可以把您的建议和想法反映上去。


“I strongly request that the Trump Administration re-examine education related policies and ban discriminatory college admissions practices including illegal use of racial quotas, racial stereotypes and/or higher standards for Asian American applicants.

The illegal racial balancing in college admissions significantly undermines American meritocracy, an indispensable principle that makes America great. All Americans, regardless of their race, should have equal education opportunities. We should treat all students equally based on merit, and jointly help the poor, regardless of their racial background.

(To read more about the illegal discrimination against Asian American applicants, please visit: http://asianamericanforeducation.org/en/issue/discrimination-on-admissions) ”



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